Sample Exam and Results
Scoring results from this task:
This test taker received a passing score in all 4 categories
Additional scoring notes:
Pronunciation: Non-native stress and intonation do not impede communication
Word Choice & Grammar: Appropriate use of vocabulary, minor grammar errors do not impede communication
Organization: Global organization adequate and sentence level transitions appropriate
Question Handling: Answers demonstrate understanding of questions, provide not only a good response to the student but elaborate the response in a way that highlights the relationship of the answer to other parts of the talk.
Scoring results from this task:
This test taker received a passing score in all 4 categories, with an exceptional score in the Organization category.
Additional scoring notes:
- Pronunciation: Non-native stress and intonation (e.g. rising intonation used for declarative statements). However, communication is not impeded.
- Word Choice & Grammar: Some subject-verb agreement errors (e.g. “information disappear”); some non-native word choice (e.g. “hopefully it can maintain information ever after”). However, grammar errors do not impede communication
- Organization: Excellent use of presentation outline in introduction. Uses sign post words like First, Second, and Third. Rephrases and reiterates main points. Introduces ideas using questions and transition phrases such as “as you can see” and “for example.” Easy to follow the ideas of the talk.
- Question Handling: Answers demonstrate an understanding of questions and provide good response. May reword and repeat the question to ensure that the student’s question was properly understood.