English Composition 495 TA Training Courses

Language Learners

English Composition 495A: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Second Language Learners

Seminar, three hours. Required of all English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching assistants and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on pedagogical issues specifically related to academic reading and composition skills for second language learners, including course design, assessment of student writing, conferencing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English as a Second Language courses. S/U grading. (4 units)

Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)

English Composition 495B: Supervised Teaching of Second Language Learners

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495A. Required of all ESL teaching assistants each quarter in which they are assigned to teach ESL courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching ESL. (4 units)

Instructor: Laila Hualpa (lhualpa@ucla.edu)

English Composition 495S: Supervised Summer Teaching of Language and Composition (section for ESL instructors)

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495A or 495C. Recommended for all teaching assistants teaching English as a second language, English composition, and Writing II courses during summer. Focus determined on individual basis according to class appointed and may include oral skills pedagogy, composition pedagogy, course design, assessment of student performance, and specialized problems that may occur in intensive summer language and/or composition courses. Supervision during appointment and mentor meetings and reflection on teaching experience following summer appointment. S/U grading. (2 units)

Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)


First-Year Composition

English Composition 495C: Teaching Preparation Seminar: First Year Composition

Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. (4 units)

Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)

English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. (2 units)

Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)


Writing in the Disciplines/Writing II

English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines

Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading. NOTE: If you are planning to use a CUTF course to satisfy your Writing in the Disciplines emphasis, please get in touch with Laurel before the start of the quarter. (2 units)

Instructor: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu)

English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or
program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. May be repeated for credit. S/U grading.  Fulfills part of emphasis requirement. (2 units)

Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)


Engineering Writing

English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)

Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading. (4 units)

Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)

English Composition M495J: Supervised Teaching of Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495J)

Mentorship course. Requisite: course M495I. Required of all teaching assistants in their initial term of teaching Engineering writing courses. Mentoring in group and individual meetings. Continued focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.

Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)


Freshman Clusters

English Composition 495M: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Clusters

Seminar, two hours. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants in their first quarter with Clusters. Training focused on student-centered pedagogy, reflective teaching, composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized teaching issues that may occur in the Clusters context. Practical concerns of lesson planning, discussion leading, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading. NOTE: This course is for those who have accepted teaching fellowships with the Clusters program. (2 units)

Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu)
Liz Galvin (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)

English Composition 495N: Teaching Preparation: Writing-Intensive Seminar Development

Seminar, two hours (5 weeks). Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants in the quarter prior to their first Clusters seminar and open to students seeking the Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on developing a writing-intensive seminar with emphasis on identifying course objectives, choosing appropriate readings, sequencing and scaffolding curriculum, drafting integrated assignments, and foregrounding writing in a discipline-specific context. Production of a syllabus for a seminar that satisfies UCLA’s Writing II requirement. S/U grading. (2 units)

For more information, contact Peggy Davis: peggy@humnet.ucla.edu.

Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu)
Liz Galvin (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)

English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading. (2 units)

For more information, contact Peggy Davis: peggy@humnet.ucla.edu.


Empowering Culturally Diverse Student Writers

English Composition 495P: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Empowering Culturally Diverse Student Writers

Seminar, two hours. Recommended for all teaching assistants planning to teach English composition as part of AAP's Summer Bridge programs. Focus on pedagogy that serves heterogeneous classrooms, with an emphasis on diversity of race, socioeconomic status, citizenship status, and academic preparedness. Practical concerns include lesson planning and professionalization for composition instructors. S/U grading. (2 units)

Instructor: Linzi Juliano (juliano@humnet.ucla.edu)

English Composition 495S: Supervised Summer Teaching of Language and Composition (section for AAP FSP/TSP instructors)

Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495A or 495C. Recommended for all teaching assistants teaching English as a second language, English composition, and Writing II courses during summer. Focus determined on individual basis according to class appointed and may include oral skills pedagogy, composition pedagogy, course design, assessment of student performance, and specialized problems that may occur in intensive summer language and/or composition courses. Supervision during appointment and mentor meetings and reflection on teaching experience following summer appointment. S/U grading. (2 units)

Instructor: Linzi Juliano (juliano@humnet.ucla.edu)