Spring 2023 GCWP Schedule
Core Course
English Composition 403: Language Pedagogy: Form, Meaning, and Function
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Survey of theories and applications of language structures and conventions, with insights from discourse analysis and functional grammar. Designed to develop instructors’ ability to explain structures and to articulate language-based issues of meaning. Integrates research and successful applications of knowledge for improved language related instruction and feedback in composition studies. S/U or letter grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)
Elective Courses
English Composition 496: Special Projects in Language and Writing Pedagogy
1-4 units. Independent study by permission. Reflective teaching experience, practicum experience, specialized curriculum development project, or independent research project under guidance of faculty mentor. Individual contract required (please contact the certificate coordinator for more information). Prerequisite: admission to the Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided by student and instructor
Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)
English Composition 499: Academic Professionalization Colloquium
2 units. Colloquium and workshop, 3 hours every other week. Rotating speakers on topics including designing a digital teaching portfolio, drafting the academic/teaching CV, writing application letters for academic jobs, and pursuing alternative academic careers. Each speaker session and panel to be followed by a workshop. Culminates with the revision of an application letter, CV, teaching portfolio, or other relevant document to be determined in consultation with the colloquium organizer. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Nedda Mehdizadeh (nmehdiz@ucla.edu) and Mia McIver (mmciver@ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497C: Approaches to Community-Engaged Teaching
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Suitable for graduate students in any discipline. Introduction to best practices for community-engaged pedagogy and experiential learning, with emphasis on strategies for collaborating effectively with diverse communities of Los Angeles. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Beth Goodhue (bgoodhue@teaching.ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497R: Integrating Writing and Research in Teaching Practice
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Introduction to strategies for integrating writing and research in instruction, emphasizing research and information literacy skills instruction and UCLA’s context. This course is suited for teaching assistants from all departments, and does not require any prior knowledge or teaching experience. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Sylvia Page (srpage@library.ucla.edu)
Graduate Student Professional Development 496C: Implementing and Communicating Teaching as Research Project
2 units. One-on-one and group meetings as scheduled. Prerequisite: GradPD 496B. Implementation, data analysis, and communication of results of TAR project with feedback and approval of faculty-adviser mentor and peer support in learning community. Meets practitioner level of CIRTL certification requirement. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Katie Dixie (kdixie@ceils.ucla.edu)
First-Year Composition Emphasis
English Composition 495C: Teaching Preparation Seminar: First Year Composition
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. Please contact Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) for more information.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) and TAC Spencer Robins
English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)
Writing in the Disciplines Emphasis
English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Survey of theories and applications of language structures and conventions, with insights from discourse analysis and functional grammar. Designed to develop instructors’ ability to explain structures and to articulate language-based issues of meaning. Integrates research and successful applications of knowledge for improved language related instruction and feedback in composition studies. S/U or letter grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)
English Composition 496: Special Projects in Language and Writing Pedagogy
1-4 units. Independent study by permission. Reflective teaching experience, practicum experience, specialized curriculum development project, or independent research project under guidance of faculty mentor. Individual contract required (please contact the certificate coordinator for more information). Prerequisite: admission to the Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided by student and instructor
Instructor: Jeremy Kelley (jkelley@humnet.ucla.edu)
English Composition 499: Academic Professionalization Colloquium
2 units. Colloquium and workshop, 3 hours every other week. Rotating speakers on topics including designing a digital teaching portfolio, drafting the academic/teaching CV, writing application letters for academic jobs, and pursuing alternative academic careers. Each speaker session and panel to be followed by a workshop. Culminates with the revision of an application letter, CV, teaching portfolio, or other relevant document to be determined in consultation with the colloquium organizer. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Nedda Mehdizadeh (nmehdiz@ucla.edu) and Mia McIver (mmciver@ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497C: Approaches to Community-Engaged Teaching
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Suitable for graduate students in any discipline. Introduction to best practices for community-engaged pedagogy and experiential learning, with emphasis on strategies for collaborating effectively with diverse communities of Los Angeles. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Beth Goodhue (bgoodhue@teaching.ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497R: Integrating Writing and Research in Teaching Practice
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Introduction to strategies for integrating writing and research in instruction, emphasizing research and information literacy skills instruction and UCLA’s context. This course is suited for teaching assistants from all departments, and does not require any prior knowledge or teaching experience. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Sylvia Page (srpage@library.ucla.edu)
Graduate Student Professional Development 496C: Implementing and Communicating Teaching as Research Project
2 units. One-on-one and group meetings as scheduled. Prerequisite: GradPD 496B. Implementation, data analysis, and communication of results of TAR project with feedback and approval of faculty-adviser mentor and peer support in learning community. Meets practitioner level of CIRTL certification requirement. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Katie Dixie (kdixie@ceils.ucla.edu)
First-Year Composition Emphasis
English Composition 495C: Teaching Preparation Seminar: First Year Composition
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. Please contact Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) for more information.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) and TAC Spencer Robins
English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)
Writing in the Disciplines Emphasis
English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
2 units. Colloquium and workshop, 3 hours every other week. Rotating speakers on topics including designing a digital teaching portfolio, drafting the academic/teaching CV, writing application letters for academic jobs, and pursuing alternative academic careers. Each speaker session and panel to be followed by a workshop. Culminates with the revision of an application letter, CV, teaching portfolio, or other relevant document to be determined in consultation with the colloquium organizer. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Nedda Mehdizadeh (nmehdiz@ucla.edu) and Mia McIver (mmciver@ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497C: Approaches to Community-Engaged Teaching
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Suitable for graduate students in any discipline. Introduction to best practices for community-engaged pedagogy and experiential learning, with emphasis on strategies for collaborating effectively with diverse communities of Los Angeles. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Beth Goodhue (bgoodhue@teaching.ucla.edu)
Grad Student Professional Development 497R: Integrating Writing and Research in Teaching Practice
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Introduction to strategies for integrating writing and research in instruction, emphasizing research and information literacy skills instruction and UCLA’s context. This course is suited for teaching assistants from all departments, and does not require any prior knowledge or teaching experience. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Sylvia Page (srpage@library.ucla.edu)
Graduate Student Professional Development 496C: Implementing and Communicating Teaching as Research Project
2 units. One-on-one and group meetings as scheduled. Prerequisite: GradPD 496B. Implementation, data analysis, and communication of results of TAR project with feedback and approval of faculty-adviser mentor and peer support in learning community. Meets practitioner level of CIRTL certification requirement. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Katie Dixie (kdixie@ceils.ucla.edu)
First-Year Composition Emphasis
English Composition 495C: Teaching Preparation Seminar: First Year Composition
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. Please contact Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) for more information.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) and TAC Spencer Robins
English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)
Writing in the Disciplines Emphasis
English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Introduction to strategies for integrating writing and research in instruction, emphasizing research and information literacy skills instruction and UCLA’s context. This course is suited for teaching assistants from all departments, and does not require any prior knowledge or teaching experience. S/U grading.
Course schedule TBD
Instructor: Sylvia Page (srpage@library.ucla.edu)
Graduate Student Professional Development 496C: Implementing and Communicating Teaching as Research Project
2 units. One-on-one and group meetings as scheduled. Prerequisite: GradPD 496B. Implementation, data analysis, and communication of results of TAR project with feedback and approval of faculty-adviser mentor and peer support in learning community. Meets practitioner level of CIRTL certification requirement. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Katie Dixie (kdixie@ceils.ucla.edu)
First-Year Composition Emphasis
English Composition 495C: Teaching Preparation Seminar: First Year Composition
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. Please contact Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) for more information.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) and TAC Spencer Robins
English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)
Writing in the Disciplines Emphasis
English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
4 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants prior to teaching English Composition 3 courses and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading. Please contact Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) for more information.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu) and TAC Spencer Robins
English Composition 495D: Supervised Teaching of First Year Composition
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Requisite: course 495C. Required of all teaching assistants who are assigned to English Composition 3 courses. Focus on composition pedagogy, writing course design, assessment of student writing, and specialized problems that may occur in teaching English Composition 3. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Tara Prescott-Johnson (tprescot@ucla.edu)
Writing in the Disciplines Emphasis
English Composition 495E: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
2 units. Seminar, three hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training and open to students seeking a Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy. Training focused on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructors: Maja Manojlovic (mmanojlo@ucla.edu) and TAC
English Composition 495F: Supervised Teaching of Writing in the Disciplines
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Required of all teaching assistants for Writing II courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule decided with TAs
Instructor: Bruce Stone (brucestone411@gmail.com)
English Composition M495I: Teaching Preparation Seminar: Writing for Engineers (Same as Engineering M495I)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)
4 units. Seminar, two hours. Required of all teaching assistants for Engineering writing courses not exempt by appropriate departmental or program training. Training and mentoring, with focus on composition pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in engineering writing contexts. Practical concerns of preparing students to write course assignments, marking and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Schedule TBD
Instructor: Greg Rubinson (rubinson@ucla.edu)
English Composition 495O: Supervised Teaching of Clusters Seminar
2 units. Mentorship meetings arranged with instructor. Prerequisite: course 495N. Required of all GE Clusters teaching assistants teaching their first Clusters seminar. Mentoring conferences and teaching observations, with focus on student-centered pedagogy, assessment of student writing, guidance of revision process, and specialized writing problems that may occur in disciplinary and Clusters contexts. Practical concerns of creating assignments, responding to and grading essays, and conducting peer reviews and conferences. S/U grading.
Course schedule to be decided with Clusters TFs
Instructors: Peggy Davis (peggy@humnet.ucla.edu) and Liz Galvin Lew (lgalvin@humnet.ucla.edu)