Spencer Robins

A photo of Spencer Robins
E-mail: spencersrobins@gmail.com Office: Kaplan 112

Spencer Robins is a PhD candidate in the English Department and a writer and researcher with the Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS). His research explores how writers and thinkers imagine climate politics as a project of collective worldmaking. He’s helped write papers, podcasts, articles, animated films, musical comedies, policy reports, and letters home from camp. Some of that writing  has appeared in the Paris Review, the Los Angeles Review of Books, at kcet.org, and in episodes of LENS.cast. Spencer’s classes guide students toward posing questions, for example in an upcoming CUTF seminar where students will investigate their own versions of the title question, “How Does Climate Change Feel?” He’s excited to support EC 3 teachers as they introduce students to writing as a process of inquiry.